Dive into the Spectacular Movies We’ve Worked On!
Divemed Film Unit
IMDB page
DIVE COORDINATOR - Underwater rigging and prop setup of a small wooden boat with
3 high-profile talents in a sinking
boat environment.
IMDB page
DIVE COORDINATOR - Total underwater shoot, the team is
responsible for All Crew dive
safety, rigging of props and
maintenance of multiple large
scale underwater sets.
Assistance with underwater
camera and lighting. Training of
the diving cast.
IMDB page
IMDB page
IMDB page
DIVE COORDINATOR - Intensively demanding underwater rigging including
multi-directional pulley system
setup with 2x 200,000 tonnes
Ships. Additional rigging of
underwater and in-water stunts
and assisting the underwater
camera team.
IMDB page
DIVE COORDINATOR - Basic rigid of Trimaran in studio
and rental safety work.
IMDB page
IMDB page
IMDB page
Studio crew divers.
IMDB page
Underwater action director. Underwater DOP. Safety divers.
IMDB page
Safety divers.
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2nd Unit Director. UW action direction. Utility divers. Safety divers for cast, crew & stunts. UW camera unit.
IMDB page
UW action direction. Stunt doubles. Safety diving and everything in between.
IMDB page
Safety divers.
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Dive training of cast. Tank support. Underwater camera operating. Stunt doubles. Safety divers and underwater grips.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Dive training of cast. Tank
support. Underwater camera
operating. Stunt doubles, Safety divers and underwater grips.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Cast training. Safety support and marine unit coordination.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Safety divers and underwater
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Sea shoot including the mooring of boats. In-water fight choreography. Rigging. Safety support and operating in water camera.
IMDB page
Safety Divers. Personal safety support for young talent.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Safety support and rigging for sea shoot and studio shoot.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Coordinating underwater stunt action. Coordinating moves and rigging of large set pieces in the underwater studio.
IMDB page
Stunt Performers. Land-based stunts for action sequences.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Safety cover of the entire set as well as rigging of SFX pneumatic explosives and rigging scenery and vessels around the tank.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Extensive rigging inside water studio mainly involving the repositioning of a large submarine model. Extensive in water shooting including propulsion and pulley work on the inter-camera operator.
IMDB page
Underwater Rigging Coordinator. Setting up underwater scenery including. Partial wreck set-piece. Entire dinner table setup on location at sea. Setting up of underwater lighting.
IMDB page
Diver Coordinator. Safety overage entire set as well as underwater camera assistance. Rigging of storm equipment and extensive sailing boat movement and underwater cradle for a sailboat.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Assisting underwater camera team mainly on location at Sea. Rigging large fleet out at sea including anchorage and towing.
IMDB page
Underwater light setup and general safety work.
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Safety Diver. Safety diver with 4 legged furry
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
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Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Safety divers. Underwater rigging.
IMDB page
Underwater rigging.
IMDB page
Diving supervision. Full underwater film unit. Underwater action direction. Surface supply.
IMDB page
Safety diving.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Underwater action direction . Utility divers. Safety divers.
IMDB page
Dive Coordination. UW mapping. Safety diving.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. UW action direction. Utility divers. Safety divers & support divers. Cast training. Stunt doubles.
IMDB page
Dive Coordination. Stunt doubles. Safety divers. Utility divers.
IMDB page
UW action direction. UW camera team. Safety divers for uw camera department and stunts.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Underwater and surface
shooting including underwater
stunts. VFX support and
underwater grip and electrician.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Safety support for large scale marine unit including stunt sequences.
IMDB page
Service Provider. Tank support divers operating underwater studio equipment.
IMDB page
Dive Superviso. Safety support. Underwater rigging and cast in water safety.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor / 2nd Unit Director. Training of cast and stunt doubles. Organising shooting schedule for underwater shoot. Location consultant. Directing sea-location unit. Sourcing of safety divers. Stunt doubles and utility divers.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Dressing and maintenance of
underwater sets. Rigging of boats and safety support for unit and talent. Cast training.
IMDB page
Dive Supervisor. Topside and underwater shoot. Cast training. Underwater rigging VFX support. Safety support. Prop / set dressing.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Safety diver work including in water stunt safety. Underwater rigging to fully capsize a RHIB.
IMDB page
Marine Coordinator. Night shooting on a fishing vessel with a small fleet of 3 vessels.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Supporting safety vessels of a fleet of vessels shooting out at sea.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Location and studio rigging of the submarine set-piece. Assisting underwater camera operator.
IMDB page
Safety divers.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Safety work and basic tying of larger fishing vessel.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator / Talent - On-location and tank work for a story surrounding the life and
wok of myself as a talent.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Training in underwater sequences with the main cast. Assisting underwater camera and rigging of vessels and setpieces in water studio.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. Stunt performer. Main underwater stunt performer. Coordinating fleet on location at Sea.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator. General safety work and in
water camera assist.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Dive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Drive Coordinator.
IMDB page
Underwater Rigger.
IMDB page
Safety divers. Underwater rigging.
IMDB page
Safety divers.
IMDB page
Divemed Film Unit
Safety divers.
Safety divers.
Safety divers.
Safety divers.
Safety divers.
Safety divers.
Safety divers.
Dive Coordinator.
Dive Coordinator.
Divemed Film Unit
Utility divers & riggers - Safety divers.
Safety Divers. Cast.
Safety Divers.
Safety Divers.
Safety Divers.
Safety Divers.
Safety Divers.
Safety Divers.
Safety Divers.
Safety Divers.
Safety Divers..
Safety Divers.
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